the rye commitment
The Board of Education of the Rye City School District understands that a world class education requires hard work and dedication from everyone in the community. We take our responsibility of overseeing the education of our children in an equitable, inclusive environment very seriously.
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Dear RCSD Community,
Well, that didn’t exactly go as I had hoped! I tried to make the “right” call on Wednesday night, but early on Thursday morning, it was clear that the ice on the roadways up north (where many of our teachers and staff live) was going to make driving treacherous. Making snow day and delay calls has to be one of the most stressful parts of being a Superintendent. Coming from a dual working parent household, I know how difficult it can be to change childcare arrangements at the last minute, so I do try hard not to close. As a result of Thursday’s snow day, we will now have school on Tuesday, May 27.
Dear RCSD Community,
I hope everyone had a nice day off on Wednesday for the Lunar New Year. Next year, the holiday falls on Tuesday, February 17. This will most likely be during our mid-winter recess, so it won’t be an extra day off. Sorry, kids!
Dear RCSD Community,
This coming Wednesday, January 29, is Lunar New Year. Schools are closed and school and district offices are open for reduced hours: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Lunar New Year is a new holiday for us here in the school world. Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation in September 2023 mandating school closures to mark the occasion. Last year, the holiday was on Saturday, so students did not have the day off. This year, they do, and I’m pretty sure they will be delighted to welcome in the Year of the Snake at home, rather than at school. I look forward to celebrating with a healthy helping of delicious soup dumplings. Gung Hay Fat Choy!
Dear RCSD Community,
It looks as if we are going to get some of the white fluffy stuff over the weekend Sunday night into Monday morning. Fortunately, we are off on Monday (see below), so you will not be hearing from me bright and early!