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Business & Finance

The Business Office Team manages all facets of the District’s business-related operations, including: accounting, auditing, budgeting, payroll and employee benefits, purchasing, risk management, student registration and tax collection. 

Other areas of oversight include: facilities, food service, technology and student transportation services.

Contacts & Emails

Gabriella Perruccio
Assistant Superintendent for Business & Operations
914-967-6100 Ext 1110

Kathy Viggiano
Assistant School Business Administrator & District Treasurer
914-967-6100 Ext 1111

Yolanda Diaz
Tax Collection
914-967-6100 Ext 1116

Bertha Zevallos
Benefits Coordinator/
Workers' Compensation Coordinator

914-967-6100 Ext 1117

Nancy Lustyik
Purchasing Agent
914-967-6100 Ext 1114

Patricia Cudahy
Accounts Payable
914-967-6100 Ext 1112