Community Update: 1/19/24
Dear RCSD Community,
Today’s snowstorm turned out to be not much of a storm, at least for us here in New York. I understand that points farther south of us, including D.C. and Maryland, got fairly walloped, and they’re not all that used to dealing with snow. I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to the end of this polar vortex event.
Tuesday’s “Snow” Day
Many of you know that I really like a good old-fashioned snow day, with lots of the fluffy white stuff, suitable for sledding, snow angels, and snowball fights. They are pure gold in the childhood memory category. Unfortunately, this is not what we were handed on Tuesday. Many of our teachers and staff live north and west of Rye where icing conditions on roads are often far more severe. If we can’t get our teachers and staff in safely, we can’t open schools.
As a result of Tuesday’s closing, we will now have school on Tuesday, May 28. We have two more snow/emergency days at our disposal. I’m hoping not to use them. As an aside, delays and early closings do not count against our State-required school days.
2024-2025 RCSD Calendar
We’ve been receiving some requests for next year’s school calendar. I am happy to report that it is almost finalized. It should be approved by the Board of Education at Tuesday night’s meeting, and thereafter I will share it with the community. Spoiler alert: a hefty winter recess is in the offing.
Proposed 2024-2025 New York School Budget
In less happy news, we are hearing some rumblings out of Albany that the Governor’s proposed 2024-25 budget will result in 19 school districts in Westchester having their state funding reduced. Learn more by watching this short segment on News Channel 12 featuring Rye’s own Karen Belanger and State Senator Shelley Mayer:
The budget must be approved by April 1. We’ll be keeping a close eye on the proceedings and will keep you posted.
Have a great weekend, and stay warm!
Eric Byrne, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools