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Community Update: 1/31/25

Community Update: 1/31/25

Dear RCSD Community,

I hope everyone had a nice day off on Wednesday for the Lunar New Year.  Next year, the holiday falls on Tuesday, February 17. This will most likely be during our mid-winter recess, so it won’t be an extra day off. Sorry, kids!

International Baccalaureate Update

At Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting, the Board heard an update on the International Baccalaureate Programme, due to be offered to Rye High School students this coming fall. Students can either choose to take the entire IB Diploma Programme or they can take individual IB courses. We’ve very excited to be able to offer this internationally highly-regarded program to our students. To watch the presentation, click here and start watching at 25:43. The accompanying slide deck is here.

Leadership Profile

Also at Tuesday’s Board Meeting, the District’s Superintendent search consultants, HYA, presented a Leadership Profile Report. The presentation outlines the work HYA has done to get to know the Rye Community, its strengths and challenges, and what the community is looking for in its next Superintendent of Schools. To watch HYA’s presentation, click here and start watching at 4:00. All the information about the search can be found on the Superintendent Search Page on the District website.

Inaugural Honors

Rye resident and former Westchester County Executive George Latimer held his ceremonial Congressional Inauguration Event at the Rye High School Performing Arts Center this past Sunday, January 26. We had 16 students on hand to welcome community members and dignitaries, and the high school a capella group, Rhythm on Rye treated everyone to the national anthem, two high school students sang “What A Wonderful World,” and two more sang “God Bless America.”

We were honored to have been chosen to host the community for this important event. A huge thank you to our central administration team, food service department, technology team, music department teachers, security and custodial staff who gave up their weekend to make the event a success.

Have a wonderful wintery weekend!

Eric Byrne, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools