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New Community Update Posted! 11/17/23

New Community Update Posted! 11/17/23

Dear RCSD Community,

As a reminder, next week is a short week due to Thanksgiving, and I will not be sending out a community update next Friday. Schools will be dismissing early and there is no lunch service on Wednesday, November 22: dismissal is at 11:00 a.m. for RHS and RMS and 11:30 a.m. for the elementary schools. Schools and offices are closed on Thursday and Friday.

New and Improved Website

The new RCSD website has officially launched! I recognize it will take some getting used to (for all of us!), but I think it will be a big improvement both in terms of usability and appearance. We will be producing little instructional snippets and pushing them out each Wednesday via social media and on the website. Please send any questions or thoughts to

Dear RCSD Community,

As a reminder, next week is a short week due to Thanksgiving, and I will not be sending out a community update next Friday. Schools will be dismissing early and there is no lunch service on Wednesday, November 22: dismissal is at 11:00 a.m. for RHS and RMS and 11:30 a.m. for the elementary schools. Schools and offices are closed on Thursday and Friday.

New and Improved Website

The new RCSD website has officially launched! I recognize it will take some getting used to (for all of us!), but I think it will be a big improvement both in terms of usability and appearance. We will be producing little instructional snippets and pushing them out each Wednesday via social media and on the website. Please send any questions or thoughts to

Read more on the All News page!